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  1. Google Ads auction-time bidding comes to Search Ads 360
    October 7, 2019
    Smart Bidding uses machine learning to set bids at auction-time, factoring in a wide range of signals that help predict performance. Now, the same technology that's helped advertisers achieve better results is available in Search Ads 360. In fact, during the beta, hundreds of Search Ads 360 advertisers enabled Google Ads auction-time bidding and saw an average conversion increase of 15% to 30% at the same or better ROI. If you’re unfamiliar with Search Ads 360, it’s our cross-channel search management platform used by large advertisers and agencies. With this update, Search Ads 360 advertisers can now optimize their Google Search bids using auction-time bidding, while continuing to optimize their cross-channel bids using Search Ads 360 automated bidding.   Head of Marketing, Jamima White, at Australian energy company AGL, discovered that Google Ads auction-time bidding helped drive results for her business in a competitive environment. With Google Ads auction-time bidding enabled in Search Ads 360, AGL saw conversion volume increase 19% at the same cost per acquisition. To learn more about Google Ads auction-time bidding in Search Ads 360, visit the Search Ads 360 Help Center. Posted by Jason Krueger, Product Manager, Google Ads
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    Turn browsers into buyers with user-generated images in product reviews
    October 3, 2019
    A recent study shows that Google is the first place consumers go to research a purchase they plan to make, whether online or in-store1. But beyond turning to search to read product reviews, shoppers are increasingly becoming inspired by images, with 50% of digital shoppers saying images helped them decide what to buy.  To help shoppers feel more confident in their purchases, we’re introducing user-generated images in product reviews on Google Shopping. You can now include review images in your product review feeds, allowing customers to visually connect with what you sell through pictures of previous customers wearing or using your products. To get started, see our updated schema documentation, and ensure all images you submit are compliant with our policies for user generated images. You can sign up for the Product Ratings program here. This experience is currently available on mobile in the US, with plans to expand across more Google properties and countries over the coming months. Posted by Jessica Taylor, Product Manager, Google Shopping     1. Google/Ipsos, “Shopping Tracker”,April - June 2018, Online survey, US, n=2703 adults 18+ who shopped in the past two days 2. Google Consumer Survey January 2019, Shopping & Visualization, n:500
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