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  1. ntroducing new audiences for Search
    July 17, 2019
    These days, no two customer journeys are alike; some are short and focused, while others span days or even months. Yet, no matter where they are in their journey, people expect ads that are relevant to who they are and what they’re looking for. In fact, 64% of smartphone users now expect to get information specific to them and their situation while using their device.1 That’s why over the last year we’ve rolled out two new products to help you reach the right customers on Google Search in a privacy-safe way: in-market audiences and detailed demographics. Increasing transparency for personalized advertising While we know people prefer ads that are personalized to their needs and interests, we also know they expect these ads to offer transparency and control. As part of our longstanding commitment to user privacy, we recently announced new tools that provide more visibility into the data used to personalize ads and the companies involved in the process. These are in addition to existing tools like Ad Settings, where users can easily update their ads preferences or opt out of ads personalization all together at any time.  Read our personalized advertising policy to learn more about our standards for what data may be collected as well as which interest categories we do not permit advertisers to use on our services.  Reach the right audience with your ads In-market audiences help you connect with people who are actively considering buying your products or services. StubHub, one of the world’s largest ticket marketplaces, wanted to make it easier for fans to find their next event. With in-market audiences for Search, the brand selected audiences like “Event Tickets” to find people who were searching on Google and also likely to purchase tickets. By focusing on these in-market customers, StubHub saw a 50% increase in both clickthrough rate and conversion rate when compared to its normal search traffic. These in-market audiences now represent 20% of the brand's total conversions on Google Search. Detailed demographics lets your further refine who you show ads to. This can help you reach broad segments of the population that share common traits. For example, if you’re looking to reach college students or homeowners who are searching for what you have to offer. Learn more about adding audiences, like in-market audiences or detailed demographics, to your Search campaigns in the Google Ads Help Center. Posted by Tript Singh Lamba, Product Manager, Search Audiences    1Google / Ipsos, Jan. 2019, Playbook Omnibus 2019, n=1,610 US online smartphone users, A18+
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    New updates for App campaigns help unlock more search inventory on iOS mobile web browsers
    July 2, 2019
    App campaigns make it easy to connect your app with app-happy consumers across Google Search, Google Play, YouTube, and over three million sites and apps in our network. And, we’re always exploring new ways to increase the ad inventory available to app advertisers. Starting in July, App ads will start to show for more searches on iOS mobile web browsers. This means app installs and in-app conversion events from iOS browsers will be included in your campaign reporting. This can help you reach more people who are looking for what your app has to offer and can help you improve campaign performance. There is no action required to access this new inventory. App campaigns that are active will automatically include these modeled conversions in Google Ads reporting as part of the ”Conversions” column. Please note that these conversions won’t be available in third party measurement tools. We encourage you to monitor your bids and budgets as there may be fluctuations in performance after these updates go live. Posted by Rahul Oak, Product Manager, App Ads
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  3. 9
    Create and edit responsive search ads in the Google Ads mobile app
    June 20, 2019
    Staying connected to your Google Ads performance is important, whether at your desk or on-the-go. The Google Ads mobile app (>Android, >iOS) helps you monitor your campaigns and makes it easy to take action, at any time or place. Two recent updates to the mobile app can help you improve your account performance quickly and easily, even when you’re away from your computer. Create and edit responsive search ads You can now directly create and edit responsive search ads in the app. In the past, you could only pause and enable ads. This can be especially helpful for launching last minute promotions while on your commute, in line for coffee, or wherever you may be.   Add, review, and edit negative keywords We’re also rolling out other new capabilities and recommendations, previously only available on desktop, to help you manage negative keywords in the app. You can now: Create, review, and edit negative keywords. Add negative keywords directly from the search query results card, based on the queries that are triggering your ads.  Get recommendations to remove conflicting negative keywords that are preventing some of your keywords from showing ads. Download the mobile app (>Android, >iOS) and stay tuned for more updates coming soon. Posted by Adam Herscher, Product Manager, Google Ads
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  4. 10
    See landing page performance from Shopping campaigns on the “Landing pages” page
    June 19, 2019
    A good landing page experience is a key factor in getting conversions from your ad campaigns. The “Landing pages” page makes it easy to understand how your landing pages are performing. Starting today, you can see the performance of your landing pages from Shopping campaigns in the report. You can now see which of your landing pages from your Shopping campaigns drive the most sales and which ones may require your attention. For example, let’s say you’re a bicycle shop owner and you notice that your top-selling bike is no longer converting. When you check the “Landing pages” page, you see that the product landing page has been broken since last week. With this insight, you can work with your webmaster to fix the landing page and get your conversions back up. Review your landing page performance from Shopping campaigns on the “Landing pages” page in Google Ads Learn more about optimizing your landing pages here. Posted by Prashant Nair, Product Manager, Google Ads
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  5. 11
    Simplifying portfolio bid strategies
    June 19, 2019
    Portfolio bid strategies are automated, goal-driven strategies that help you optimize bids across multiple campaigns. Based on extensive feedback, we’re streamlining and simplifying two strategies in July. First, we are removing the ability to create Enhanced CPC portfolio strategies. Enable Enhanced CPC directly for individual campaigns instead of using a portfolio strategy. Enhanced CPC on individual campaigns provides the same benefits as portfolio strategies. Individual campaigns are also far more widely used. Later this year, Enhanced CPC portfolios will be converted into individual Enhanced CPC campaigns. Many of you have told us the target spend setting was confusing and that average daily budgets were more useful and straightforward. We’ve listened to your feedback. Moving forward, the target spend setting will no longer be available for new Maximize clicks portfolios. Average daily budgets will be the way to determine spend for campaigns using Maximize clicks portfolio. Later this year, our systems will remove legacy target spend settings and instead use your average daily budget to manage spend. These changes along with the recent deprecation of Target Search Page Location and Target Outranking Share bid strategies are an effort to streamline and simplify your bidding options. Below is a summary of the changes and the recommended replacements: Product Recommended Replacement Portfolio ECPC ECPC at the campaign level Target spend setting for Max Clicks Campaign daily budgets Target Search Page Location Target Outranking Share Target Impression Share bidding strategy   Posted by Sagar Shah, Product Manager, Google Ads
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  6. 12
    Choose which conversion actions to bid for at the campaign level
    June 6, 2019
    Conversion tracking is critical to your success in online marketing. Setting up conversion tracking allows you to see the valuable actions that users take after interacting with your ad, like purchases, sign ups, and phone calls. We announced campaign-level conversion settings at Google Marketing Live. Today, this feature is available in all accounts for search and display campaigns. Support for video campaigns will be coming later this year. You can now choose which conversion actions to include in the “Conversions” column at the campaign level. This gives you the ability to override the default account level setting and decide what actions to use to optimize bids for each campaign. You’ll still be able to see all the conversion actions reported in the  “All conversions” column.  If you want to optimize a campaign for multiple conversion actions, you can place them in a “Conversion actions set” and share it across other campaigns intended to drive the same goals. Previously, your “Conversions” column selections applied to all campaigns in your account. This meant that if you had multiple campaigns intended to drive different goals, perhaps with independent marketing budgets, you’d need to create multiple accounts in order to optimize them separately. Now, you’ll no longer be required to create multiple accounts when you have campaigns with different goals. For example, suppose you’re a hotel group with separate marketing budgets for the different chains of hotels, and different campaigns targeting online bookings for separate chains. Now you can simply choose the corresponding conversion action(s) for each chain and ensure their budgets are delivering the valuable actions they were intended to drive. This saves you time, makes it easier to manage your bids within one account, and gives you more flexibility to use Smart Bidding.   Best Practice: This feature should be used when your campaigns are aiming to capture different conversion types. If you have proper values setup for different conversion types that are valuable to your business across all campaigns in your account, you should simply use Target ROAS.   To learn more about how to select conversion actions at the campaign level and create conversion sets, visit the Help Center. Posted by Tal Akabas, Product Manager, Search Ads
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  7. 13
    From Target Search Page Location and Outranking Share to Target Impression Share
    May 28, 2019
    Automated bidding helps marketers scale as consumer journeys become more complex. In fact, more than 70% of all advertisers use Google Ads automated bidding today. To meet your growing needs, we introduced Target Impression Share in November 2018 to help you ensure your brand is showing up when customers are conducting important searches. Target Impression Share offers more flexible and granular controls to optimize for your desired impression share and search page location. And you can use “Absolute top impression share” or “Top impression share” to aim for the top of the page using Target Impression Share. Starting in late June, advertisers will no longer be able to add new Target Search Page Location or Target Outranking Share bid strategies. Later this year, existing campaigns still using these strategies will automatically be migrated to the Target Impression Share strategy based on previous target locations and historical impression share.  Posted by Sagar Shah, Product Manager, Google Ads
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