YouTube Masthead now available with CPM buying 4977550256203696919-blid-7327233879052207912



  1. Google Ads Editor v1.1: easier to use and loaded with new features
    July 29, 2019
    In March we introduced Google Ads Editor v1.0, which improved the design and usability of our favorite power tool. After listening to your feedback, we’re excited to roll out Google Ads Editor v1.1. Here are the key features: Image picker Working with images can be challenging, especially when you can only upload them one at a time from your desktop. The new image picker allows you to quickly browse and select from previously used images, in addition to selecting images from your desktop. To streamline your workflow, warnings and error checks are surfaced in the thumbnail before you select an image. Dark mode Dark mode is designed for your visual comfort. Whether it’s because you’re spending hours in the tool or want to switch things up, you can activate dark mode by clicking the moon icon in the bottom right-hand corner. To revert back to light mode, simply select the sun icon. IP exclusions You can now add and update IP exclusions, ensuring that your IP exclusion settings are consistent when copying and pasting campaigns. Accounts manager We heard you loud and clear: make managing multiple accounts easier. We’ve added checkboxes in the accounts manager to make it more obvious that you can select and open multiple accounts.  For a complete list of the updates in Google Ads Editor v1.1, visit the Google Ads Editor Help Center. You can download the latest version by opening Google Ads Editor. Posted by Herlen Zoljargal, Product Manager, Google Ads
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    Keyword Planner now shows the most relevant keyword ideas
    July 29, 2019
    Keyword Planner helps you research new keyword ideas, get bid estimates, and plan out your Search campaigns.  To help you prioritize which keywords to add to your account, Keyword Planner will now show the most relevant keyword ideas based on your seed keyword. For example, when you provide the seed keyword “boots”, you might see keyword ideas such as “womens boots”, “work boots” and “cowboy boots.” You’ll have the option to broaden your search by adding recommended words to your seed keyword.   In addition to helping you prioritize keyword ideas, we’ve also introduced two other features to give you more control over what keyword ideas show: Website filtering: Filter keyword ideas to only show keywords most closely related to your business (based on your website). Brand exclusions: Exclude keyword ideas that include brand terms. All of these changes are enabled for English only, with other languages rolling out later this year. Posted by Jane Kim, Product Manager, Google Ads
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    YouTube Masthead now available with CPM buying
    July 23, 2019
    After successful beta tests in select markets, the YouTube Masthead is now globally available for all advertisers to buy on a CPM basis. Earlier this year, we introduced the option to purchase the YouTube Masthead on a cost-per-thousand impression (CPM) basis and use advanced audience solutions to customize who sees it. This is in addition to the option to purchase the Masthead on a cost-per-day basis reaching all visitors to the YouTube Home page. To ensure brands can drive the visibility they need on the dates that matter most, the Masthead will remain as a reserved placement. Impressions will be guaranteed across campaign flights that can range from one to seven days. Over the last three months, L'ORÉAL has been testing the CPM Masthead in beta as part of their digital strategy in Germany. Uwe Roschmann, iBeauty Agency Lead, says, “Adding additional targeting options on top of the reach and awareness that a YouTube Masthead drives has been an ideal match to the media strategy of two of L'ORÉAL’s fragrance brands, Diesel and Cacharel, where demographics and audience segmentation play a major role in driving results.” Mocks of a desktop and mobile Masthead from Cacharel.   With premium placement atop the YouTube Home feed, guaranteed reach and the flexibility of CPM buying, the opportunity to drive impact with the Masthead has never been greater. Preview the Masthead with your own content and customizations here. Contact your Google sales team for more details on this placement. Posted by Amy Vaduthalakuzhy, Product Manager, YouTube Ads
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