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  1. GML 2019 recap of announcements
    May 16, 2019
    That’s a wrap on Google Marketing Live 2019! Earlier this week, Google unveiled the latest innovations to help you connect with your customers and grow your business. Did you catch the livestream? If not, we’ve got you covered. You can watch sessions on-demand at And here are the top features we announced during the keynote: 1. Stay on-the-go and in-the-know with updates to the Google Ads mobile app Creation and editing of responsive search ads New recommendations and notifications 2. Promote your business locations with new features for Local campaigns New inventory in Google Maps to showcase your locations in more places Local campaigns available to more advertisers, including small businesses 3. Get discovered in more places with Discovery ads 4. Convey your brand with visual and interactive Gallery ads 5. Improve your reach with custom audiences and the audience expansion 6. Connect with consumers through the new Google Shopping experience 7. Reach more shoppers with updates to Shopping AdsExpanded syndication of Showcase Shopping Ads Optimization for store visits available in Smart Shopping Campaigns New buy-online and pickup-in-store capabilities Shopping campaigns with partners for retailers and brand manufacturers 8. Provide customers with a frictionless mobile experience via app deep linking 9. Use Bumper Machine to easily create 6-second bumper ads for YouTube 10. Hit your goals faster with new bidding controls  We’ll continue to post updates on these announcements so stay tuned!
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    New bidding controls to help meet your goals
    May 16, 2019
    As consumer journeys become more complex, it’s more important than ever to help marketers scale with automated solutions. Businesses large and small have been using Google’s Smart Bidding technology to set more precise bids tailored to each and every auction. In fact, more than 70% of all advertisers use Google Ads automated bidding today. And while many of you have told us that Smart Bidding has helped drive better performance, you’ve also asked for more flexibility to reach your business goals. That’s why earlier this week at Google Marketing Live, we unveiled three new bidding innovations: Campaign-level conversion setting: To provide more flexibility and customization within accounts, we’re introducing campaign-level conversions. Previously advertisers could set any conversion goals at the account level. However, that meant that all campaigns within that account would be tied to the same set of goals. Advertisers will now be able to map relevant conversion goals at the campaign level. This will be especially useful for accounts that have clearly differentiated campaign goals (e.g., campaigns representing different lines of business or distinct marketing budgets). Seasonality adjustments: While Smart Bidding incorporates seasonality, we’ve heard the need for more controls to account for ad hoc events like one-time promotions. That’s why we’re introducing seasonality adjustments. For example, if you know that your conversion rates will spike due to an upcoming promotion, you can schedule an appropriate adjustment for that period. Maximize conversion value: We’ve announced a new bidding strategy, Maximize conversion value. Up until now, bidding strategies around conversion value were largely focused on efficiency (e.g., Target ROAS). We understand many advertisers are more focused on volume and growth. Maximize conversion value allows an advertiser to optimize for the most conversion value within a specified budget.   Value rules: Finally, we’ll be introducing value rules in the coming months. We understand that conversions are not always valued equally. Value rules will let advertisers differentiate conversion values based on characteristics like location, device and audience. This will allow you to customize conversion values so they align more closely with your business goals. These are just a few of the announcements made at Google Marketing Live this week. Check out the Google Marketing Live site to see these and all the other products we announced. Posted by Anthony Chavez, Director, Product Management  
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